SPRING FEVER ist ein Projekt von Studierenden des B.A. European Cultures and Society im Rahmen des Seminars “Instuction-based Project: Art & Scenography”. Unter der Leitung von Svea Bischoff hat sich die Gruppe mit dem Konzept des virtuellen Raums auseinandergesetzt.
In Zeiten von Lockdown und Kontaktverbot werden digitale Inszenierungen und virtuelle Vermittlungsformate immer relevanter. Fragen nach den Potenzialen und Grenzen der virtuellen Transformation realer Räume führten zu der Entwicklung von SPRING FEVER. Die Studierenden konnten im Dezember 2020 die leeren Räume von KUNST&CO nutzen, um - mit der Hilfe von Videokonferenzen, geregelten Abstands-, Hygiene und Zeitkonzepten - gemeinsam physisch-virtuell eine Performance zu filmen.
As part of the seminar “Instuction-based Project: Art & Scenography” the students of the interdisciplinary B.A. European Cultures and Society engaged with the concept of virtual space. Under the direction of Svea Bischoff the group explored digital staging in a time of shifting contact zones and the need for alternative virtual mediative designs. Questioning potentials and limits of virtual scenography for cultural understandings and discussing possible formats of transforming physical space into virtual space – lead to the development of SPRING FEVER: A virtual performance that was filmed at the KUNST&CO gallery in Flensburg.
“How are you feeling? Be honest. SPRING FEVER stages the Covid-19 ‘reality’: We have to wear masks, we are not allowed to go to clubs or cinemas, we are forced to maintain social distance and meet online. We share the loneliness, futility and artificialness of it all. Being locked up in your apartment with nowhere to go and no one to see, contrasts with our ability to obtain everything and to be linked to the world with the click of a mouse.
Virtual space breaches national boundaries and physical distances. It allowed our project to connect people from different places providing a platform for communication. But what it lacks, is the ability to simulate human tenderness, the sense of belonging, the authenticity of a moment.”
Im Rahmen des "Adventskalenders 2020" war die Pilkentafel mit dieser Performnace bei Kunst&Co: